十年战略规划; 划船,不要漂流, was developed following an extensive, collaborative process with university stakeholders.
划船,不要漂流 brings to life our 愿景 for the university and takes shape in the form of our 愿景 statement, five 愿景 elements, and 2030 outcomes that serve as the foundation in support of and in service to UNC students, faculty, 员工、校友和社区. 它指导我们今后五个阶段的工作 十年来,还有我们的实施支持 关键行动和战术.
Founded in 1889 and tucked between the Rocky Mountains and Colorado’s stunning high plains, UNC is a public doctoral research university committed to the success of its students, with more than 100 undergraduate programs and 120 graduate programs. 的 university’s expert faculty and tradition of research and hands-on learning gives students exceptional opportunities and a personalized education.
UNC students are diverse and hard-working, and there is no one “label” that defines 他们. 的ir unique talents, interests, and ambitions enrich the university’s culture 并提供了一个与众不同的环境.
划船,不要漂流 is a living document, divided into five two-year phases that will guide and establish
以…为基础. In 2020, the university transitioned from 愿景ing work to establishing
关键行动和战术 for the first two years, ensuring institutional alignment
的 university will track, measure, and report progress for each two-year phase, and
整个战略计划. 这所大学每两年举行一次集体活动
in formulating new 关键行动和战术 for the next phase of the plan. 这些新
关键行动和战术 will build from the successes of the previous phase. 每一个
member of the university will have opportunities to provide input, share ideas, and
the expectation to contribute in meaningful ways in support of current and future
通过这种方式, 划船不漂流 is not a document; rather, it is a process that is embedded in the UNC culture of
每一个 member of our university community and every unit has a contribution to make on the journey toward realizing our 愿景 for an even brighter future for UNC in 2030. 我请你反思一下 关键行动和战术 and identify steps you can take to support the realization of our 愿景 and the 我们已经阐明的结果.